Photo attribution: Alvinz (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Denman Village Community Centre
5 Felstead Vista
Denman Prospect, ACT 2611
Photo attribution: Alvinz (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Syd Crawford will be speaking about his conversion project. This is an EV-converted Land Rover but done in a different way to most. I call it a "Full Tesla Integration" because it is literally integrating the whole Tesla infrastructure and electrical systems into the Land Rover. I'll explain the pros and cons of this alternate conversion method and the massive improvements it has made to my Land Rover.
Australian Electric Vehicle Association (ACT Branch)
Mon, March 17, 2025
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
(GMT+1100) Australia/Hobart
Denman Village Community Centre
5 Felstead Vista
Denman Prospect, ACT 2611
Attendees may also attend via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 813 6410 1660
Passcode: 800032