Solar Calculator

Solar Calculator has been online since 2015 helping households and business to buy solar panels. We provide free tools, publish concise information and recommend good solar companies.


Our website educates consumers about the benefits of solar power and connects them with reputable installers. The solar and battery calculator on the homepage, is a reliable and accurate tool that displays savings, payback and the cost of new solar power systems for any location in Australia. It is also widely used by installers in the industry and was featured positively on the ABC’s The Checkout show.

The Solar Calculator website also publishes information on:
- Solar panels
- Inverters
- Solar Batteries
- Solar rebates
- Feed-in tariffs
- Warranties

We are proud members of the Australian Electric Vehicle Association; whose purpose ultimately coincides with ours; to strive towards a renewable energy future.

The offerings and opinions expressed in this organisation's directory listing are those of the company and not the AEVA